About Us

Our Beliefs

We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are inspired by God and are our supreme and final authority for faith and life.

We believe in the existence of one God in three persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity and incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God.

We believe in his death on the cross as substitutionary atonement for our sin, his literal and bodily resurrection from the dead, and his ascension to the right hand of the Father in heaven where he intercedes for his people.

We believe all people are sinners by nature and because of this are under God’s condemnation.

We believe salvation from God’s condemnation is by grace, and is a free gift from God which cannot be earned by human effort or merit. This salvation requires repentance, which is a turning from one’s own way to God’s way, and is obtained through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe all who repent and have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and receive him are regenerated by the Holy Spirit, becoming the children of God. This same Holy Spirit now lives in them, producing such things as faith in God, holiness of life, love for God and for other people, and power to live in a way that pleases God and to do what he commands.

We believe in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgement of all people by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Practices

We practice Baptism, being by immersion, a symbol of sharing in his death, burial and resurrection;  (Matthew 28:18-20) 

We practice the Lord’s Supper as a memorial of the sacrifice of the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to be commemorated until he returns. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

The celebration of the Lord’s Supper will be observed, normally, on the first and third Sunday in the month, or at such other times as may be arranged, and will be open to all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Usually a pastor or his delegate will preside.

Our History

Nanango Baptist Church was formed in 1929 and Constituted in 1932.  The first church building was located in the Nanango City Centre at Drayton Street .  There were various other locations the church met around Nanango.

In 1998 a new location and building was established at 37 Mt Stanley Road, Nanango and the church became known as Nanango Community Baptist Church. The new 3 acre property provided a great setting for the spacious country style church building which could seat up to 160 people plus provide Office, Sunday School & Creche rooms. Over the years there have been numerous pastors who have ministered in this place.  

The church’s outreach to community and families has been a significant part of its history and ministry strength. Financial and prayer support of numerous missionaries nationally and overseas continues to be at the heart of the Church’s ethos with the major focus on linking people to God and linking to our community.

Our Pastor 

Bill Hogan is the current pastor who commenced with the fellowship in 2014. Formerly Bill worked in the Insurance industry for 20 years and in Administration roles within Church organisations for the past 25 years. God’s calling to a pastoral role has been a long journey of preparation, participation in serving and theological training. His passion is for people and to see them come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord.  Bill is married to Janiece and they have two grown sons. He enjoys various hobbies such as philately or stamp collecting, coin and collecting other unusual items. 
